
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Garden Report for March and Early April

Yay for spring!  Lots of stuff is coming up in the garden, and some things are blooming!

The first flowers to bloom are the crocuses, dwarf iris, and scilla.


If you follow me on Instagram, you already saw this photo of a sneaky purple crocus.

Another sneaky purple crocus

One must have a gargoyle to guard and protect the crocuses.

Next, some dwarf iris:

Some scilla:

Such a sweet little flower

We have a ton of scilla growing by the driveway, so when I walk out to my car, I'm greeted by this sight.

The next flowers to bloom are hellebores, pulmonaria, and hyacinths.

Our Hellebore:

Hellebores have "nodding" flowers, so I had to lift this one to show you the inside.

The pulmonaria (aka lungwort):

This variety is "Raspberry Splash"

And the wonderful hyacinths:

That black hose is our soaker hose, which we will probably pull up because it didn't work last year -- the timer that attaches to the spigot leaked.  :(

My favorite spring flowers are crocuses (which is why I have so many photos of them), because they come up and bloom first, and they add a bunch of color to the basically naked garden.

The tulips and daffodils will hopefully bloom soon!

Do you have any favorite spring flowers?


  1. So pretty! I do NOT have a green thumb.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful! I just planted two rose bushes a couple of weeks ago. I love them so much, and they smell wonderful.

  3. I LOVE those hyacinths! So pretty. How different your garden looks from the winter! ;) Yay Spring!

  4. Y'know, I don't know that I really have a green thumb. I just plop plants in the ground and hope they grow. LOL

  5. It looks so naked and bare in the winter, and then everything starts poking up through the ground. It gives me such joy and hope for the upcoming months!

  6. Ohhhh I would love to have some roses. What color are the blooms? Are they a specific kind/variety?

  7. I have a lavender/mauve floribunda and a red Don Juan climbing rose. I got the floribunda specifically because it's drought tolerant, but we've had lots of rain recently. Both have very fragrant blooms. I love them so much.

  8. I Googled the Don Juan rose for photos. It looks like the perfect red rose.
    Give your roses a sniff for me! :)

  9. Vulcan_ButterflyMay 8, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    Gorgeous!! My favourite spring flower is the pasque flower.

  10. I love pasque flowers. They make me think of Easter (one of their common names is "Easter flower", so I guess that's why). I'm not lucky enough to have any, but my mom has a bunch in her garden. I love how "furry" they are.
