
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mid-Summer 2014 Garden (Pic Heavy)

It's been quite a while since I took you on a garden tour.  Lots has been happening, so tons of photographs today.

I think this is from mid-June when the orange Asiatic lilies were blooming.

Bright orange Asiatic lilies

The alliums (those orbs on tall stalks) grew a little wonky.

But they popped open and were nice and large.

Orange daylilies and various hosta, along with hydrangea bushes

Daylily buds with some heuchera in the back

The hosta along the driveway look nice and lush.

Balloon Flower buds look like balloons.

And then they open and look like this.

This little guy was an annual snapdragon from last year that spent the winter in the garage and survived!

Biiiiig hosta (I can't remember the variety of this hosta.)

Huge hosta leaves!

Huge 'Southern Comfort' heuchera leaves

Spotted lungwort foliage

'Fire and Ice' hosta

This is a perennial snapdragon from Spain.

I love how interactive snapdragon blooms are.  Pinch the "cheeks" and the "mouth" opens!

The daylilies started blooming.

The catmint in the sun garden finally bloomed.

Even the carnivorous plants bloomed.

Venus Fly Trap

Sarracenia purpurea (pitcher plant) flower

Close up photo of the pitcher plant flower

tropical Sundew

The pot of Caladiums looks pretty cool.  Charlie wants to come outside and check them out.

I have a whole post dedicated to all the spectacular daylilies here.

Thanks for taking today's extra long garden tour!


  1. Oh my goodness. How BEAUTIFUL. I would love to have a garden like that one day! We're in an apartment until my husband finishes graduate school. Hopefully not too much longer. Loved the garden tour. You can just keep those coming. ;) I'll live vicariously through you.

  2. That is one huge hosta. Hosta la vista, smaller hostas. (Har har har.) I always enjoy your garden posts. I can see a bunch of weeds in my neighbor's yard, but otherwise it's mostly astroturf and concrete around these parts.

  3. Chelsea - Tiger Love BeautyAugust 13, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Beautiful garden Ingrid! I'll be lucky to get a tiny plant for my apartment this semester. I have no idea what to get though! I want something tiny that would survive indoors. Any suggestions?

  4. Thanks, Chelsea! I'm actually terrible at keeping indoor plants alive, but my grandmother always had African violets, which I absolutely loved.

  5. lol Hosta la vista! Weeds can actually be cool. I only consider a plant a weed if it is somewhere I don't want it. Otherwise it's just a "volunteer."

  6. Thank you, Jaelan! When I lived in an apartment I would go to my parents' house to garden, which they thoroughly appreciated! I'm glad you enjoyed the tour!

  7. What a terrific garden!
