
Thursday, April 17, 2014

What To Do With Boxes?

I've noticed I keep some of my higher-end products in their boxes.  I mean, I take them out, use them, and put them back in the box.  But only some of them.  Weird, no?

Does anyone else do this?


  1. I've definitely done this too. Maybe subconsciously those products feel more "special" to you somehow. I usually do it when I think the box looks cool but I don't want to throw it away.

  2. I totally do this. I saved my Too Faced Sweetheart Blush box for-ev-er. And then one day I was like "why am I hanging onto this trash??" LOL

  3. I'm trying to take that attitude about the boxes. Unless the box is super pretty. Then I have to hoard it.

  4. It kind of makes sense if it's a cool box, but the totally boring black boxes aren't really worth hanging on to. But I think you're right about them feeling more special. I paid lots of extra money for that piece of cardboard.

  5. I don't normally do that. Sometimes I will hang on to a cool box for a few days, but eventually I decide I don't need it.

  6. I think I need to take on that attitude for a lot of stuff in my house...

  7. You bet I do! I am not for sure if I am trying to protect the items or if It just makes me keep thinking it is new when I have to remove it out of the box to use it....LOL! Plus, some of the boxes are just as pretty as the product packaging.

  8. I only do it for fancy makeup, so maybe I am subconsciously trying to keep it pristine.

  9. Exactly!! After you pay the price for those pristine products you want to protect it and enjoy the newness feel as long as you can. Just a reminder, it is Friday which means Funday Friday Comments tag on my blog! Hope you play tag with me this week again, of course there are new questions to chose from.
